Monday, January 3, 2011

364 days of pictures?

A friend told me about a fun project found here.  The point is to take a picture every day and post it on your blog.  It officially started on the first, but I got in a little late, so I'm starting today!  I took a picture yesterday, and that will be the first picture for me.

Disclaimer: in order to get a picture in daily, some pictures may be taken from my phone (emailed to myself!)....and not the best quality.  Also, I'm really not good at this type of thing, so we will see if I can keep it up!!!

The 3 amigos....Andrew and his buds playing wii  Ahhh, to be in middle school again, NOT!


  1. My photos will largely be a little blah too, taken from a camera phone ... but it should document our life!
