Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Sunday, I ran a 5K.  It was a goal of mine to not only do a 5K (which I have done several), but run one from start to finish.  A great friend of mine and I had trained separately, and realized about a month ago that we were both planning on doing this particular one, in Cedar Falls.  So, we ran it together for the first time on Thursday night, and it was amazing.  We both pushed through and ran....except for the one time we both walked for just a few feet.  On Sunday, however, we were rock stars, and blew through the course.  So very proud of both of us!!!!!  We had a friend of hers run with us, and then her husband and another friend from school joined us as well.  My time was slow (and about 4 minutes behind hers), but I'm totally okay with that.  The fact is I did it!!!

So, yesterday (Monday) I was very sore.  My legs were killing me, but I was so excited about doing the run, that I didn't even care.  I pushed through the day, and loved the feeling of success.  I made a menu for the week, and did grocery shopping.  I let Rachel have a friend over, and went to her softball game last night. 

Today was another story.  I have slept all day long.  I have taken two naps.  Yes, I got up and went for a 3.6 mile walk.  Yes, I went to bible study.  I did make it to the library, and took Rachel to the pool.  I also stopped up to school to grab a book I need to read before August.  But mostly, I slept.  Sure hoping this is normal for me after a race!  Course, I did get to bed after 2am on Sunday, the day I had gotten up at 6:00 for the race, so it was a very long day....maybe I was just catching up?

Anyway, I'm back to posting (I think).  I think I'm going to stop posting on FB as much, and focus on writing on here.  My thought is that by posting one or two lines on FB, I am dumbing myself down.  I'd rather practice writing....as I tell my students, the more you write, the better writing you will produce.  Blogging helps me to really reflect on what I'm thinking, and not just put one liners out there. 

So, until next time, which is hopefully sooner than last time....

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