Saturday, November 12, 2011

Day 5 Challenge #3

So.... it was essentially an off week, right?  It's okay that I didn't lose anything, right?  And it's acceptable that I went up a few (cough,4,cough) pounds, right?  Geez.

However, on a positive note, I did get my reflection submitted, so that is HUGE.  I'm DONE with school.  Well, except like my son pointed out, I'm done with school so I can spend every day IN a school, LOL.  :)

My other goal for the 5 days was to finish week 6 of the Couch to 5K.  All excuses aside, I got 2/3 of the way finished.  Which means I have one more day to run.  I think I'll get up in the morning and run that one.  It was a pretty easy week, running wise, once I actually got out of bed and did it.

Monday starts a new challenge.  I haven't heard from Kristin (my cousin, the originator of all of this madness), but I know I'm in for another challenge.   I'm thinking I'll do 9 days this time, which puts me finishing the day before Thanksgiving.  According to the spreadsheet I did, I wanted to be down to 151 by the Saturday before Thanksgiving.  That means I have to lose 6.8 pounds in the next 9 days.  THAT is a very ambitious goal!!  However, my biggest stress factor, school, is out of my way, so if I can really focus on eating and exercising, I should be able to do it, or at the very least come close.

Oh wow, I just realized that about 10 weeks ago, when I was starting the C25K again (yeah, don't do the math), I made a long term goal to finish week 9 by my official graduation date of December 9th.  I was giving myself time to re-do weeks if I needed to.  Well, here we are, 4 weeks out from that date, and I can still do it!  So, by my next goal date, I should be in the middle of week 8, by the calender.  I think that may be a bit ambitious, though, since I know weeks 7-9 are the very hardest for me.  I'm going to say that by my new goal date, November 23rd, I will be ready to start week 8.  That gives me 12 days to get through week 7 rather than the usual 7 days.  That should also account for the weather we are bound to have since it is NOVEMBER!  LOL.  But, I'm also going to commit to doing either a walk, or Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred, or a run EVERY morning.  That way, I have a back up plan for weather.

Food.  That is my biggest reason for my weight gain this week.  I know it is.  I went crazy, eating anything and everything in site.  I had a few dt. drinks, I ate a ton of cookies, and hardly any vegetables.  I also didn't drink much water at all.

So, I need to commit to a food plan for the next 9 days.  I'll get busy on that when I get off, but I'm pretty sure I will be doing E-Mealz again, if only for the next 3 months.  $15 is hard for me to spend, but I'm going to call it a gift for myself.  It will help me get back on track, and it counts points for me, so I don't have to.  Oh, speaking of points, I WILL start tracking points again.  I took the week off of that, and it did not go well!!

I will not have soda, but I am going to buy some flavored water packets (or as Jessy calls them, Water Destroyer).  I am going to stay away from dessert ...which will be hard since I want to start Christmas cookies this weekend, but 9 days.  If I can get through the next 9 days, I can have dessert on Thanksgiving.  Fair enough?  I honestly can't decide about bread.  I LOVE bread, but I'm sure it's not healthy for me.  What do you say, BLOGGER LAND?  Should I give up bread? 
I think I'll give up white bread, and limit myself to one piece of wheat a day.  And I can't "make up days" for the days I don't have any.  For the next 9 days, I can do that.  RIGHT?

As for alcohol.  I think I'm okay with letting myself have it.  I'm not a lush, nor do I drink every night.  As long as I can keep it within my WW points, I'm going to allow myself to drink. 

OK, so there's my plan.  Laid out in black and white for all to see.  Please keep me accountable!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on finishing school!!!

    I love bread too much to give it up, but I try to limit it to 2-3 slices of wholegrain while I'm losing weight.

    Good luck with it :)
