Monday, October 24, 2011

Day 1-12 Day Challenge #2

I'm going to keep a running record as my day goes today (and maybe most days...we will see how this goes!) and then post it at the end of the day.

I started out really strong.  Woke up at 5:15 (because I KNOW I'm a snooze hitter!!!), and was out the door by 5:35.  Yes, am.  I know!  I didn't know there was such a number either!!  ;)  It felt really good to be on target for the morning.  I did C25K week 4, day 1.  It was a run, but not too bad as far as runs go.  Usually, I find myself counting down the minutes, either 1-60 several times, or 60-1 several times.  It's a bad habit, and one I would like to break.  I want to enjoy running, not count down till it's done.  Well, this morning, I actually went for 2 segments just working on my breathing and listening to the music.  At the end, I caught myself counting, but hey, it's a start!!  I also had the RunKeeper up on my phone, so I was able to track exactly how far I was going (and my pace, but right now it's still so slow it's not worth looking at!!).  I think I need to re-adjust my route, because going through the little cul-de-sacs in my neighborhood is going to get boring FAST.

Breakfast was my usual of coffee and creamer.  Not the healthiest, but it works for me!  Lots of creamer makes for lots of points, but totally worth it.

Lunch.  Whoa boy.  I brought a Banquet meal that was 5 points.  Again, not a big deal.  I walked in the workroom, and there was a spread.  Oh yes, a true spread of desserts and pretzel mixes and JUNK that I don't need.  So, I sat in there and ate the lunch I brought, found some apple slices in the mix of the junk, and then headed out because the cookies were calling my name!  No milk with lunch today.

When I got home, I was a little I ate 2 mini pumpkin chip muffins for 3 points.
Supper was Skillet-Style Lasagna from E-Mealz, and a whole half a plate of steamed cauliflower.  8 points.  I found a recipe online somewhere for "banana ice cream"--slice 2 bananas, freeze, then blend until smooth--, so I wanted to try that for dessert.  Wow.  So easy, and fruit is free!  I did add a tsp of peanut butter, but YUM!!  Add a cup of skim milk, and I'm done eating for tonight.  :)

I came just under my points for the day at 26 points.  Now, I'm back up to school to get plans ready for my sub tomorrow.  I have a meeting to go to in the morning, and then in the afternoon, I took some "me time" to FINISH the dang paper.  We'll see if it gets done, but now you all have seen me write that it's my goal, so keep me accountable if you see me online (or on FB!) 

Good Day 1!  :)


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